Ag At Home FAQ

Q: I don’t know anything about gardening or growing my own food. Where should I start?
A: Good news, you are the perfect candidate to start your own garden! Since Ag At Home was created to help those with little to no gardening experience start growing their own food, you’re in the right place! Start by hitting the “Start Gardening” button, there you will be asked a short series of questions about your garden, from there we will schedule a video call so we can discuss your goals further. 

Q: I live in an apartment, can I still grow my own food? 

A: Absolutely! One of the best ways to garden with limited space is to use a vertical garden. We have teamed up with a company who makes and ships vertical garden towers. 

Q: I have a garden that has been neglected, what can I do?

A: It happens to the best of us! Ag At Home can get you back on track. To get started, click the “Start Gardening” button and answer the short series of questions.    

Q: I don’t live in Florida, but want to grow my own food. Can you help me?

A: At this time, we’re focusing our efforts on Florida gardeners. Gardening in Florida is quite unique and it’s important we focus all our resources on a couple types of gardening zones. Check back in the future as we keep expanding!

Q: How does growing my own food lead to a sustainable lifestyle?

A: Great question! Sustainability is less of an end goal and more of a lifestyle. To live sustainably means to prioritize the use of natural and renewable resources instead of creating excess waste and depleting environmental resources for future generations, this concise definition was found here. It’s the mentality that we all make choices as citizens, consumers, and humans on this planet - those choices should yield as little impact as possible. Growing our own food leads to a cascade of positive repercussions. Firstly, it relieves some of the burden on the agricultural system as well as the pollution created from agriculture and the transport of these goods. Growing our own food means contributing to our local ecosystem by providing native pollinators with nourishment. It also gives us gratitude and appreciation for farmers who work extremely hard to provide produce to citizens of the United States. As we become more conscious of our role as consumers in society, the inevitable result is more awareness with overall consumption of nonrenewable resources and how our actions affect the world around us. 

Q: How do I know which plants or seeds to get?

A: Don’t worry, we got you covered! Part of Edible Garden Evolution includes a list of all the plants you will be working with. We will tell you where to source these seeds or saplings, and of course, how to care for them!

Q: How long will it take for me to begin harvesting from my garden?
A: The age old question. Harvesting depends on what you have planted, what season you’re planting in, when you started your garden, etc. Ultimately, it depends on many factors. The sooner you start your garden, the sooner you can begin harvesting!

Q: Can I give the gardening packages as a gift to a loved one?

A: Yes! Add the service you would like to gift to your cart and upon check out, add special instructions. Include the person’s first and last name, their email address, and when you want the gift delivered to their email. We will reach out to them on the date you indicated asking them to schedule their free discovery call!